The Concepto

Dolly Shah

Ganesh 01


Size - 11”*8” mounted on 12”*16” transparent frame

Intricate Pen and Ink work on mix media paper of lord Ganesh along with his mouse (Mooshak). Lord Ganesh symbolizes wisdom, understanding and a discriminating intellect that one must posses to attain perfection in life. It is worshipped for protection and removal of obstacles from one’s path.

Ganesh 02


Size - 11”*8” mounted on 12”*16” transparent frame

Intricate Pen and Ink work on mix media paper of lord Ganesh along with his mouse (Mooshak). Lord Ganesh symbolizes wisdom, understanding and a discriminating intellect that one must posses to attain perfection in life. It is worshipped for protection and removal of obstacles from one’s path.

Ganesh 03


Size - 11”*8” mounted on 12”*16” transparent frame

Intricate Pen and Ink work on mix media paper of lord Ganesh along with his mouse (Mooshak). Lord Ganesh symbolizes wisdom, understanding and a discriminating intellect that one must posses to attain perfection in life. It is worshipped for protection and removal of obstacles from one’s path.

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Ganesh 01
Ganesh 02
Ganesh 03
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